"Sustainability in Action": Plus de 500 responsables RSE partagent leurs priorités en matière de gestion de données ESG

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Sweep s’associe à EcoAct pour aider les entreprises à mettre en œuvre des plans de décarbonation fondés sur des données

Dernière mise à jour
24 septembre 2024

Sweep, the carbon management and reduction platform, and EcoAct, the international climate consultancy, join forces in France to make it easy for companies to implement decarbonization plans by effectively managing their emission data.

The partnership between EcoAct and Sweep delivers a comprehensive solution that streamlines the difficulty of collecting, analyzing, and reporting carbon data. Together, they can effectively support CSR and IT teams in making strategic decisions to reach their emission reduction targets. 

In 2021, 65% of French companies that were required to measure and report their carbon footprint had failed to do so, according to ADEME. Some of their top challenges included a lack of human resources as well as the complex and lengthy data collection. 

"Our clients are navigating an increasingly complex environment, with increased stakeholder demands, and we’ve long invested in key areas such as sustainable finance, Scope 3, and supplier engagement. It was therefore natural that we approached Sweep, given its solutions Sweep for Finance and Sweep for Supply Chain, which are ideally positioned to support our clients," says Emilie Alberola, EcoAct's Director of Southern Europe.

In the climate tech market, Sweep stands out for its capacity to streamline the collection and analysis of emission information across the entire value chain – helping companies save, on average, 45% of the time spent on carbon measurement. Combined with EcoAct's consulting expertise, they now have the ability to quickly translate Sweep’s data-driven analysis into a concrete reduction plan, and focus on taking action. 

"Decarbonization is inherently a data problem. To meet their climate pledges and comply with the latest disclosures, companies can benefit from the support of climate technology and experts. They can help them easily analyze and translate carbon data and use it to build an impactful reduction strategy. That's why we’re partnering with EcoAct to build customized climate strategies that are aligned with business objectives and the climate targets set by the Paris Agreement," says Rachel Delacour, CEO and Cofounder of Sweep.

EcoAct is a strategic player in supporting clients in the implementation of carbon management platforms and has been on the market for 17 years. Its climate expertise lies in defining decarbonization scenarios and delivering comprehensive, science-based, and auditable carbon reports. 

This partnership streamlines the carbon measurement exercise and helps companies take data-informed climate action. Learn how the joint software-consulting expertise can help achieve climate goals faster in our webinar.

Sweep peut vous aider

Sweep est une plateforme de gestion du carbone et de l’ESG qui permet aux entreprises d’atteindre leurs objectifs de durabilité.

Grâce à notre plateforme, vous pouvez:

  • Procéder à une évaluation approfondie de votre empreinte carbone.
  • Obtenir une vue d’ensemble en temps réel de votre chaîne d’approvisionnement et veiller à ce que vos fournisseurs atteignent vos objectifs de durabilité.
  • Atteindre une conformité totale avec le CSRD et d’autres législations ESG clés en l’espace de quelques semaines.
  • Garantir la fiabilité de vos informations sur le développement durable en les faisant vérifier par un tiers avant de les rendre publiques.

Découvrez comment Sweep peut vous aider