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Replay: Fintech: Technology as the cornerstone of the transformation of finance?

Last updated
September 24, 2024

Climate Finance Day

Fintech: Technology as the cornerstone of the transformation of finance?⁠

Over the last few years, FinTech have given traditional financial institutions a run for their money by disrupting their traditionally established models. In most financial places, the market of Green Fintech is emerging, with more and more solutions displaying a green intent. However, their transforming force has yet to mature. Is technology key to creating a fundamental sustainable change in finance? How can FinTech bring concrete solutions to support the ecological transition?⁠

Panel with:

  • Thomas Cottinet, Head of ECOLAB, French Ministry of Ecological Transition
  • Tanguy Touffut, Descartes Underwriting CEO & Co-founder
  • Marie-Anne Vincent, Sweep, VP Climate finance
  • Vincent Ruinet, Investor Future positive Capital

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